Baby Scale_ infant scale_ YZ-305

Baby Scale_ infant scale_ YZ-305

Baby Scale

A baby scale is a specially-designed scale for weighing babies. They are used in doctor offices and may be purchased for use at home to help monitor the weight gain of infants. Baby scales differ from a normal weight scale because instead of only weighing by the pound, is weighs by the ounce. Many digital scales offer a freeze function because babies are hard to keep still to get a correct reading. If a baby is born prematurely, it is often important to closely monitor their weight gain with a baby scale.

Fast Facts

  1. Used most frequently to monitor breastfed babies
  2. Most weigh to the ounce
  3. Digital models available
  4. Kilogram measurements available


The content in this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are concerned about your child's weight, please consult your doctor.